Telephone Boxes
What finishes are available for Telephone Boxes?
Telephone Boxes are available in Brushed Stainless (#4), Mirror Stainless (#8), Brushed Muntz (#4), and Mirror Muntz (#8).
How can I make my Telephone Box more ADA compatible?
Nylube has introduced handle adapters called Wings, which are available in Muntz and Stainless (#4). These adapters are mounted behind the black plastic knob and flare out to prevent the need to pinch and pull for someone who might have arthritis or a prosthetic hand.
What box should I use for an ADA phone?
Our customers seem to prefer the NLPALOUS box for ADA phone use. This model is also available in a shallow model (part #1023) which is 2.5" deep instead of the standard 3.5".
I can't find a trimline phone that will fit in my home elevator telephone box?
Commercially available trimline phones vary greatly in size. Nylube stocks low cost replacement phones that fit in our NLPNOUS boxes so popular with residential elevator manufacturers. Order our telephone (part#1030).